Effective Communication-:
An Effective Communication is a communication between two or more persons wherein the intended message is successfully delivered, received and understood.
In other words, the communication is said to be effective when all the parties (sender and receiver) in the communication, assign similar meanings to the message and listen carefully to what all have been said and make the sender feel heard and understood. In the business context, the communication is effective if the information shared among the company employees contributes towards the organization’s commercial success.
Goals of effective communication-:
Establishing trust and understanding, changing behaviour, and Acquiring information are the goals of effective communication. anything that interferes with communication and makes it effective can be referred to as noise. ineffective communication can influence our interpretation of message and affect relations with others.
Principles of effective communication
The main principles of effective communications are as follows:
Simple language: The language used in communication should be simple. it should be understandable by both the sender and the receiver.
Definite: The communication should be the night, that is, it's am should be clear in the mind of the sender.
Complete and concise: The information provided in the communication should be completed and to the point.
Appropriate medium: A proper medium of communication should be used talking several factors into account such as timing, the distance between the sender and the receiver, and the nature of the interaction.
Authentic: Information give one should be punctual, that is, it should not be misleading or false.
Courteous: The sender should be polite and courteous while communicating. it helps in building a healthy relationship.
Clearity-: The message being conveyed should always be in the easily understandable language.
Attention-: The receiver should be fully attentive in a communication process. for this, the manager should arouse the interest of the receiver so that the receiver page proper attention.
Consistency-: The principal implies that communication should always be consistent with the plant objective of message being conveyed.
Adequacy-: Information being communicated should be addicte and complete in all respects. never convey incomplete or inadequate information.
Timeliness-: The message being conveyed must be conveyed at the propertime. also the feedback must also be converted into time, otherwise the communication will lost its importance and effectiveness.
Feedback-: The communication must have feedback confirmation from the recipient In the same sense in which the sender takes it for.
Economy-: The communication should take place in a way that costs optimally. if there are other ways of communication that can convey message with less cost, then those method should be preferred.
7 C's of effective communication-:
The communicator or the centre near the primary responsibility of effective communication. the centre is responsible for constructing a message in a way that is clear and deliverable in time. in short, is sender must follow some rule for creating message, known as 7 C's of effective communication these rulers are being listed below:
The message must be complete and geared to the receiver’s perception of the world. The message must be based on facts and a complex message needs additional information and / or explanation. A good subdivision of subjects will clarify the message as a result of which there will be a complete overview of what is said.
Concrete business communication is also about a clear message. This is often supported by factual material such as research data and figures. The words used as well as the sentence structure can be interpreted uni-vocally. Nothing is left to the imagination.

In addition to considering the feelings and points of view of the target group, it is also important to approach the audience in a friendly and courteous manner. Use of terms that show respect for the receiver contribute towards effective communication. The same goes for the manner in which you address someone. Not everyone will be charmed if you use a familiar form of address and use of a formal address could come across as too distant. By using the word ‘they’ a larger audience is immediately addressed.
A correct use of language has the preference. In written business communication, grammatical errors must be avoided and stylistic lapses or a wrong use of verbs are not sufficient either in verbal communication. A correct use of language increases trustworthiness and the receiver will feel that they are taken seriously.
Clear or plain language is characterized by explicitness, short sentences and concrete words. Fuzzy language is absolutely forbidden, as are formal language and cliché expressions. By avoiding parentheses and keeping to the point, the receiver will get a clear picture of the content of the message. Briefly-worded information emphasizes the essence of the message.
Communicating with the target group (Consideration). In order to communicate well, it is important to relate to the target group and be involved. By taking the audience into account, the message can be geared towards them. Factors that play a role in this are for example: professional knowledge, level of education, age and interests.
A message is clear when the storyline is consistent and when this does not contain any inconsistencies. When facts are mentioned, it is important that there is consistent, supporting information. Systematically implementing a certain statement or notation also contributes to clear business communication. When statements are varied, they will confuse the receiver.
Factors of effective communication-:
Effective communication is about conveying a message by clearly in interpreting the emotions along with the information. the effective communication Consists of the following key factors:Effective communication is about conveying a message by clearly in interpreting the emotions along with the information. the effective communication Consists of the following key factors:
1. Content-:
this refers to the language that has been used in the message. we all interpret the meaning of words Differently. hands, even simple message can be misunderstood. some words have different meanings depending on the contest, which make confused at times. to make communication effective, construct proper sentence and use the right words.
2. Process-:
It refers to the way the message is delivered the non verbal elements in the speech like the tone of voice, gesture, body language, and the state of mind can be identified during communication. We often subconsciously trust the accuracy of non verbal behaviour more than verbal expressions. only 7% interpretations of spoken communication comes from words, alone, 55% comes from body language, and 38% comes from intonation. hence, effective communication happens only when the verbal message is consistent with the tone and body language.
3. Context-:
It refers to the situation or environment in which the message is delivered, including the physical environment noisy or quiet room, malls, Hospital, etc.,)cultural factors (e.g., International cultures, organisational cultures etc.) and developmental factors communication should be adopted as per the contents to make it impressive.
Benefits of effective communication
There are various benefits of effective communication:
Effective communication reduces misunderstanding and prevents us overlooking important information. This saves time as situations can be understood accurately. it can also Protect people from embarrassment or Awkwardness because of wrong assumptions .
Effective communication creates a comfortable environment, where people of same or different genders, religious and cultural backgrounds, who behave and think differently, can share their thoughts, feelings, and ideas, field respect and understood so that they can work together to resolve conflicts and make decisions.
Effective communication allows the people involved to gold trust and remove any negative emotions. this result in a desire to work towards a common goal.
Effective communication skills increase our self respect because we can deliver our message confidently and receive the outcome we have hoped for.
However, the most significant benefit of using effective communication techniques is that it improves our relationship with others.